The Three Jewels are the unfailing supreme source of refuge. Padmakara is the sole protector of the Teaching and beings in this degenerate age. The Nirmanakaya Tertons arrive when the time is ripe to tame beings in any way necessary. When considering their kindness, my faith and homage soar. Having bowed down to Those Who compiled all the prophecies from the ocean of all the profound revealed Treasures at Yachen Dharma Encampment and to Kangsar Tenpai Wangchug who clearly taught what to do and what to avoid, it would be wise to make efforts in Their methods for freeing ourselves from this narrow and dangerous path. With regards to this, at the great Dharma Encampment of Yachen, all of the prophecies of the regents of Guru Rinpoche, the great Treasure Revealers, were compiled and then Kyabje Kangsar Tenpai Wangchug Rinpoche examined and compared them all and what He found was that it is said that a great war will happen in this world in the Iron Dog Year of 2030. This stupa contains relics to avert the negativity and forces prophesied for the iron Dog year.
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