Hand-picked pair of wrathful cymbals; imported from Nepal. Comes with brocade case-cover. The color of the case may vary slightly.
This is a imperfect item. The inner part of the lining of the case has some tearing, but nothing is wrong with the structure of the case or the cymbal itself. All imperfect item sales are final.
In the event that your item is misplaced or suffers damage during transit, we're here to help. Reach out promptly to our customer service team at info@tibetantreasures.com. We will start a claim process and provide you with a form to fill out. You can choose to have the items re-sent at no extra charge, if they are still in stock, or receive a full refund for your purchase.
If you're not satisfied with your items within 30 days of delivery, you might qualify for a free return, including shipping!